SPI Medical Imaging: Konica Minolta Partnerships Pave the Way for Strategic Pivot

Publication Date: 26/07/2024

Konica Minolta announced two new partnerships in June. The vendor has allied with Comp-Ray, Inc., a Christie Innomed company, to support its healthcare IT sales and distribution in the US, and Apollo Enterprise Imaging to integrate The Apollo Repository for Clinical Content (arcc) into its Exa Platform.

Why we have chosen this story

  • Konica Minolta is an established medical imaging brand increasingly focusing on its digital product portfolio.
  • This brace of announcements indicate that the vendor is doubling down on its US strategy.

Why it matters

  • Konica Minolta looks to be gearing up to move beyond the outpatient imaging segment, by pivoting to an enterprise imaging strategy.
  • This will be challenging, but the vendor has the potential to displace incumbents in the hospital market if it plays its hand shrewdly.