SPI Generative AI: Synapse Medicine Hopes to Make Treatment Planning Smarter

Publication Date: 28/06/2024

Synapse Medicine, the French vendor offering drug information an

*#+e/dication management tools, has recently announced the launch of its Copilote Recos solution.

The tool is designed to offer time savings to doctors by using AI to assist in the generation of personalised treatment plans for each patient. The vendor says the tool will analyse a patient’s medical history as well as current diagnosis and treatments before generating plans for a patient.

The vendor utilises the large language model of compatriot Mistral, and is hoping to quickly reach a large audience through its integration with CompuGroup Medical.



Synapse Medicine, the French vendor offering drug information and medication management tools, has recently announced the launch of its Copilote Recos solution.

The tool is designed to offer time savings to doctors by using AI to assist in the generation of personalised treatment plans for each patient. The vendor says the tool will analyse a patient’s medical history as well as current diagnosis and treatments before generating plans for a patient.

The vendor utilises the large language model of compatriot Mistral, and is hoping to quickly reach a large audience through its integration with CompuGroup Medical.