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22 Mar 2018: Digital Health, Healthcare IT
HIMSS 2018 Post Show Report
This show report presents...
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22 Mar 2018: Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Interoperability: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing at HIMSS18
Wandering the exhibition floor this year, any outsider to the health IT industry would have assumed interoperability was a problem already solved. Exhibitors across the hall boasted ever-growing portfolios of clinical, diagnostic and operational software, all of which seemingly could be implemented and interconnected simply and efficiently.
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21 Mar 2018: Digital Health
Partnerships Enabling Enterprise Telehealth – HIMSS18
We explore some of the partnerships that were announced at HIMSS in detail a little later, but to understand what’s driving this, it’s first important to understand the evolution of telehealth in terms of maturity from small-scale, point solutions to enterprise offerings that can be used across a range of healthcare settings. The diagram below outlines this maturity model.
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21 Mar 2018: AI in Healthcare, Digital Health, Healthcare IT
AI and SDOH to Revolutionise Healthcare Prediction
My key PHM-related takeaway from three days touring the booths of the leading vendors at HIMSS 2018 was the increasing importance of prediction.
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14 Mar 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Signify Research Analyst Insights from ECR Today 2018
As well as attending the ECR show in Vienna, Signify Research analysts also provided a daily column for the Congress Newspaper - ECR Today.
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12 Mar 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
ECR 2018 Post Show Report

This show report presents the views from Signify Research's...

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12 Mar 2018: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
AI at ECR – Key Takeaways
For the first time at ECR there was a dedicated section of the Expo for AI, the Artificial Intelligence Future Lab, with seven exhibitors and a mini-theatre for presentations. There were also a handful of medical imaging AI companies dotted around the main exhibition halls and most of the major vendors found an angle to add AI to their booths.
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12 Mar 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Imaging IT Vendors Target Growing Radiology Operational Workflow Market
Big modality hardware releases and artificial intelligence were centre stage at ECR 2018. For imaging IT though, the latest market developments were less obvious. While some vendors may have been saving new imaging IT products for the glitz of the HIMSS 2018 show in Las Vegas (more of this in our show write-up coming soon), there was a distinct lack of new software platforms on show.
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08 Mar 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
The Breakup in Advanced Visualisation
Healthcare IT is becoming increasingly complex. In order to keep up with current and future requirements, Advanced Visualisation vendors are organising themselves into two different categories, each specialising to try and stay ahead of competition. ECR this year offered a glimpse of this growing split; some vendors are focusing on interoperability and integration to become preferred platform vendors, while others are aiming to provide superior image analysis and visualisation software to create the AV tools radiologists would desire and demand. What used to be one complete AV solution from one vendor, may soon become two separate products with companies working together in partnerships to offer a pick and choose selection from the leading AV tools vendors.
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07 Mar 2018: Medical Imaging
Ultrasound at ECR 2018: Vendors Focus on Workflow Efficiency Rather Than Clinical Innovation
There were several ultrasound product launches from the major vendors at ECR 2018, with most prioritising workflow efficiency and image quality over advanced clinical features. Large displays, faster boot times, manoeverability and improved ergonomics were common across the product launches, with vendors striving to make ultrasound faster, more precise and more affordable. This insight summarises the products announced alongside our views on their likely impact on the market.
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08 Feb 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Virtual Reality Becoming Reality?
Virtual reality is by no means a new technology, but recent technological developments have given it new life and attention, which is now enabling it to spread from gaming and consumer markets into industries such as manufacturing, construction and healthcare. However, how hard will the move into healthcare be? How can we use virtual reality in healthcare, and what are the challenges for adoption?
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08 Feb 2018: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Will AI in Medical Imaging ‘Cross the Chasm’?
In his seminal book “Crossing the Chasm”, Geoffrey A. Moore described the challenges of bringing disruptive technologies to market and the all-important transition from selling products to innovators and early adopters, to selling to the mass market
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