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11 Dec 2018: AI in Healthcare, Medical Imaging
Artificial Intelligence within Ultrasound
This year’s RSNA conference, as usual, was a buzzing hive of commercial activity and a feast of innovation across all imaging modalities.
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06 Dec 2018: Digital Health
Advanced Visualisation Back on Track at RSNA?
With healthcare IT becoming increasingly enterprise across departments and sites, Advanced Visualisation (AV) as well as PACS, is commonly a strategic obstacle due to its often standalone workstation-based nature.
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06 Dec 2018: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
RSNA 2018 Post Show Report

This show report presents the views from Signify Research's analyst...

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05 Dec 2018: Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Two Key Takeaways from RSNA That Will Shape The Future of Enterprise Imaging
As with every year, RSNA provided a glimpse into the future of radiology. Undoubtedly, AI was the most discussed and debated topic, though for imaging informatics there were some other less obvious trends on show that will have a significant bearing on the future of the market.
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05 Dec 2018: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
AI at RSNA – Signs of Maturity, But a Long Way to Go
AI was once again the hot topic at this year’s RSNA. With close to 60 AI start-ups in the Machine Learning Showcase and most of the incumbent modality and imaging IT vendors marketing AI to varying degrees, the technology was hard to ignore at this year’s meeting.
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20 Nov 2018: Medical Imaging
Global Ultrasound Market in 2018 – End of Year Update
The global ultrasound market is on track for a strong year, with the annual revenue growth rate forecast to reach 6.6%, notably higher than the 5.1% growth we predicted at the start of the year (2018 Set to be a Strong Year for Global Ultrasound Market, January 2018). The EMEA and Americas markets are forecast to grow at mid-single-digit rates, slightly faster than our January forecast, with Asia remaining the fastest growing market, largely driven by China.
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20 Nov 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Hyland EMEA Summit 2018: The Signify View
Hyland is a relatively new name in terms of clinical and imaging IT. It is probably better known for information management platforms, selling into financial services, government, insurance and healthcare.
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19 Nov 2018: Digital Health
Impact of CMS ‘Pathways to Success’ on CERN, MDRX, ATHN & EVH
As we head towards the end of 2018, now feels like a good time to stop and reflect on some of the US population health management (PHM) trends which 2018 will be remembered for.
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17 Oct 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Fate of the Four: 2018 Progress report for GE, Siemens, Canon and Philips
At the start of the year, we offered a discussion on how 2018 would be a landmark year for four of the leading vendors in medical technology. Ahead of the next round of quarterly results due in the coming weeks, we offer a “progress report”, reviewing their performance to date, updated strategies and likely outlook for the rest of 2018 and beyond.
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17 Oct 2018: Digital Health, Healthcare IT
Allscripts Influencer Summit – Key Take-Aways
Three weeks ago Signify Research published an insight outlining opportunities for growth for EMR vendors as the US EMR market reaches maturity.
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16 Oct 2018: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Signify Research AI in Medical Imaging White Paper
What's new for machine learning in medical imaging? Predictions for 2019 and beyond Download our...
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08 Oct 2018: Digital Health, Healthcare IT
EMR Market Opportunities in the Nordics – White Paper
The Nordics is an advanced market in terms of EMR deployment and is well-served by several local...
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