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24 Aug 2016: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Deconstructed PACS – It’s not all bad news
The successful adoption and use of PACS was for many years a much-coveted aspect of radiology. As an early adopter of healthcare IT far ahead of other specialties, radiology was lauded for its innovation and forward thinking.
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17 Jul 2016: Healthcare IT
Our Experts Discuss the Key Market Impacts of the Latest MACRA Regulation for HealthTech
Following a tumultuous period of change in the US healthcare IT market, the US Government Centre for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) has provided initial guidance on how the next period of e-Health adoption will be managed ( "Meaningful Use", the much criticised multi-stage reimbursement component that led to rapid deployment and growth of the enterprise Electronic Medical Record (EMR) market, is set to be replaced by a new law, the "Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)".
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16 Jul 2016: Healthcare IT
Signify View: McKesson IT sell-off
The recent announcement from McKesson of plans to spin-off a large portion of its health IT business came as little surprise. McKesson's health IT business has long been the side project to the $188B pharmaceuticals distribution arm; with competition in the North America market intensifying (around 90% of McKesson customer base), significant investment was going to be required to continue to compete.
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15 Jul 2016: Healthcare IT
Signify View: Impact of Brexit on HealthTech
The planned UK exit from the European Union will have far-ranging consequences for the medical device and healthcare IT industry. At this early stage, the detailed implications are unknown and are not possible to accurately predict.
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14 Jul 2016: Healthcare IT
Cloud IT Adoption in Healthcare
Rapid growth in the volume and complexity of data generated in the healthcare sector is driving health providers towards adoption of cloud technology. However, adoption is being slowed by data access, security and cost concerns. With no clear standard implementation model, the diversity of cloud IT implementations in Health IT is also expanding.
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