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19 Oct 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Cybersecurity: A Time Bomb for European Radiology
Five months on from the crippling impact of the WannaCry cyberattack that affected one-fifth of U.K. hospitals and many other health providers across Europe, let's revisit the crucial topic of cybersecurity.
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12 Oct 2017: Digital Health
Medecision Acquires AxisPoint Health’s Platform Clients
Last week saw the announcement that Medecision is to acquire 58 AxisPoint Health platform clients with the intention to transition these customers to Medecision's Aerial population health management platform. The deal could potentially move Medecision rapidly up the rankings in terms of PHM market share, in particular within the payer-focused market.
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05 Oct 2017: Medical Imaging
Diversification in the Global X-ray Market
Across the market we are seeing system prices fall by mid-single digit percentage annually. So, with a nearly-saturated digital radiography market and declining product prices; what are manufacturers doing to maintain their margins?
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05 Oct 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
VNA Market Growth Will Be Fuelled by Enterprise Imaging
Following an initial period of uncertainty, Vendor Neutral Archives (VNA) are now better understood by health providers, and more available. Moreover, their introduction and adoption signalled a market transition, expanding the focus of providers and vendors to the management and use of clinical content thus far excluded by electronic medical records.
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05 Oct 2017: Digital Health, Healthcare IT
PHM Opportunities Outside the US
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has defined and driven the population health management market over the last five years, resulting in North America representing approximately 70% of the global market in 2016.
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31 Aug 2017: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
China – The Market Maker for AI in Medical Imaging?
To date, most of the academic research and commercial activity in the field of machine learning for medical imaging has been driven by the US. Several of the leading US academic hospitals have established teams to develop and commercialise artificial intelligence solutions for the detection and diagnosis of diseases.
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31 Aug 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
The Signify View: Agfa To Separate Healthcare IT Business?
he announcement that Agfa will investigate options to separate its healthcare IT business from the rest of the healthcare unit is not surprising
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31 Aug 2017: Digital Health, Healthcare IT
PHM Growth Slows Down in 1H 2017
Signify Research will publish its Q2 2017 North American population health management market report in the coming weeks. A key question that will be addressed is the extent to which uncertainly around US health legislation reform has impacted the PHM market in North America during the first half of this year.
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29 Aug 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Is Enterprise Imaging on a Slow Road to Mediocrity?
The evolution of the imaging IT market over the past decade has been messy. Previously clear definitions for PACS and RIS have blurred, and healthcare providers have struggled to keep up. Consequently, the sector is in a state of uncertainty and flux as it slowly travels the path toward enterprise imaging.
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01 Aug 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
3 Things European Radiology IT Needs To Get Right
Processing speed has increased, advanced visualisation has become more complex, and access has improved, but little has changed for the most part.
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27 Jul 2017: Medical Imaging
Cone-Beam Technology in Medical Imaging
Cone-beam technology is a relative newcomer to medical diagnostic imaging; until recently it has predominately been used in the world of dental healthcare. It has been marketed to the medical world on a small scale so far, but could it be the ‘next big thing' in medical imaging?
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27 Jul 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Philips Acquires TOMTEC – The Signify View
Philips Healthcare has been making some major investments, with TOMTEC Imaging Systems the latest in a spree spanning the first half of 2017. So, what does this flurry of spending say about Philips’ strategy and its’ impact on the wider market
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