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06 Feb 2020: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Three High Impact AI Market Trends from RSNA 2019
At RSNA 2019, there was a record number of AI vendors exhibiting at the conference, prompting the organisers to host the AI Showcase in a designated hall adjacent from the two main halls.
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17 Oct 2019: Digital Health, Healthcare IT
Why EMRs Will Not Replace Imaging IT
The growing influence and uptake of electronic medical records (EMRs) in healthcare has driven debate over the future role of specialist clinical and diagnostics software. With interoperability in the health sector still a major challenge, many health providers are looking to simplify their IT systems, consolidating to fewer software platforms and few vendor partners.
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01 Aug 2019: Medical Imaging
Three Reasons Growth in the Mammography Systems Market is Set to Slow
When breast imaging comes to mind, mammography is the undisputed current modality of choice. Used as the primary screening tool for breast cancer, other breast imaging (BI) modalities, such as MRI and ultrasound, form a comparatively smaller part of the market.
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13 Jun 2019: Medical Imaging
Five Trends Shaping the Future of the Global Ultrasound Market
2018 was a record year for the world ultrasound equipment market, with revenues increasing by 6.8%, tipping the market over the $7 billion mark for the first time. Despite the backdrop of global economic uncertainty, the ultrasound market is forecast to continue to grow relatively strongly in the coming years, with the following trends driving growth.
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04 Mar 2019: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Signify Research Analyst Insights from ECR Today 2019
As well as attending the ECR show in Vienna, Signify Research analysts also provided a daily column for the Congress Newspaper – ECR Today.
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05 Dec 2018: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
AI at RSNA – Signs of Maturity, But a Long Way to Go
AI was once again the hot topic at this year’s RSNA. With close to 60 AI start-ups in the Machine Learning Showcase and most of the incumbent modality and imaging IT vendors marketing AI to varying degrees, the technology was hard to ignore at this year’s meeting.
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05 Dec 2018: Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Two Key Takeaways from RSNA That Will Shape The Future of Enterprise Imaging
As with every year, RSNA provided a glimpse into the future of radiology. Undoubtedly, AI was the most discussed and debated topic, though for imaging informatics there were some other less obvious trends on show that will have a significant bearing on the future of the market.
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14 Mar 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
Signify Research Analyst Insights from ECR Today 2018
As well as attending the ECR show in Vienna, Signify Research analysts also provided a daily column for the Congress Newspaper - ECR Today.
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08 Mar 2018: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
The Breakup in Advanced Visualisation
Healthcare IT is becoming increasingly complex. In order to keep up with current and future requirements, Advanced Visualisation vendors are organising themselves into two different categories, each specialising to try and stay ahead of competition. ECR this year offered a glimpse of this growing split; some vendors are focusing on interoperability and integration to become preferred platform vendors, while others are aiming to provide superior image analysis and visualisation software to create the AV tools radiologists would desire and demand. What used to be one complete AV solution from one vendor, may soon become two separate products with companies working together in partnerships to offer a pick and choose selection from the leading AV tools vendors.
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16 Dec 2017: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
AI at RSNA – What a Difference a Year Makes
AI was undoubtedly the belle of the ball at RSNA 2017, and rightly so. As the meeting drew to a close, a report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in the UK revealed that a NHS hospital had a backlog of 23,000 chest x-rays acquired over the previous 12 months that hadn't been formally reviewed.
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16 Dec 2017: Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
The Coming of Advanced Visualisation Inc.
Radiology is no longer a separate and isolated unit where an imaging order is submitted, and a report is sent out. RSNA this year illustrated how radiology is becoming more and more incorporated into the wider healthcare provider organisation. With IT having spread throughout wider healthcare and artificial intelligence slowly being accepted to increase efficiency and improve diagnostic accuracy, the stage is now set for strengthening the interactions between radiology and the rest of the healthcare organisation.
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31 Aug 2017: AI in Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Medical Imaging
China – The Market Maker for AI in Medical Imaging?
To date, most of the academic research and commercial activity in the field of machine learning for medical imaging has been driven by the US. Several of the leading US academic hospitals have established teams to develop and commercialise artificial intelligence solutions for the detection and diagnosis of diseases.
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