14 Mar 2018: In The News
Will Artificial Intelligence Sell More CT Systems?
It is already becoming clear that artificial intelligence (AI) will have a big part to play in the future of medical imaging. However, less clear is the impact of AI on the commercial market for medical imaging hardware. If we take the case of CT, a multibillion-euro hardware and services market, will AI drive greater demand for systems or less?
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13 Mar 2018: In The News
Are European radiologists skeptical about AI? A report from ECR 2018 in Radiology Business
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies had a significant presence at the European Society of Radiology's annual meeting, the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2018. According to a new report published by Signify Research, however, the buzz wasn't as strong as it was at RSNA 2017 in Chicago.
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13 Mar 2018: In The News
Report: 3 insights from the European Congress of Radiology 2018 in Health Imaging
The European Society of Radiology's (ESR) annual meeting‚ the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2018‚ wrapped up on March 4th in Vienna. Signify Research, a healthcare consulting company published its takeaways in a March 12 report from Steve Holloway, principal analyst at the company.
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09 Mar 2018: In The News
MRI 2028: What to Expect in the Next Decade of MRI? In AuntMinnie Europe
The 50th anniversary of MRI for clinical use will occur in the next decade. Over this time, MRI has remained at the pinnacle of diagnostic imaging, with untold influence over many advances in diagnostic radiology. Yet as we enter an increasingly digital era of medicine, what role will MRI play? Below, we explore some of the future developments and speculate about their influence on MRI and radiology in general.
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03 Mar 2018: In The News
Top Three Use Cases for AI in Medical Imaging in ECR Today 2018
Keep aware of the need to protect imaging equipment from cyber risks that pose a threat to the safety of patients and institutions, urged Prof. Jacob Sosna, president of the Israeli Radiology Association. There is a terrifying possibility that a cyber attacker could alter the radiation dose given to a patient during a CT scan, and an attack on the hospital's airconditioning may shut down and damage CT and MRI machines that function within a narrow temperature range, he warned ahead of today's session on cyber security.
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14 Feb 2018: In The News
Is Virtual Reality in Radiology Becoming a Reality?
Virtual reality is by no means a new technology, but recent technological developments have given it new life, enabling it to spread from gaming and consumer markets into industries such as manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. However, how hard will the move into healthcare be? How can we use virtual reality in healthcare, and what are the challenges for adoption?
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14 Feb 2018: In The News
Signify Research: The Rise of Enterprise-scale, Platform-centric Telehealth in SnapMD
Signify Research's Alex Green covers the market shift towards a ‚"platform-centric‚" approach to telehealth in the whitepaper, ‚"The Rise of Enterprise-scale, Platform-centric Telehealth.‚" The paper summarizes SnapMD's full-stack enterprise telehealth via the Virtual Care Management (VCM) Platform.
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18 Jan 2018: In The News
8 global Ultrasound Markets Poised for Strong 2018 in Health Imaging
The global ultrasound market is poised for a strong 2018 due in part to the expanded use of the imaging modality across medical specialties, along with projected growth in most major markets.
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28 Dec 2017: In The News
Healthcare M&A Analysis: Why Did Philips Acquire PHM Vendor VitalHealth?
Philips announced on December 8th that it had acquired Dutch population health management (PHM) and eHealth platform providerVitalHealth software.
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12 Dec 2017: In The News
AI at RSNA – What a Difference a Year Makes in AGFA Healthcare’s blog
AI was undoubtedly the belle of the ball at RSNA 2017, and rightly so. As the meeting drew to a close, a report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in the UK revealed that a NHS hospital had a backlog of 23,000 chest x-rays acquired over the previous 12 months that hadn't been formally reviewed. The hospital blamed a shortage of radiologists. Whilst AI is not the answer to all of radiology's problems, it has the potential to improve both the speed and the accuracy of radiologists.
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01 Dec 2017: In The News
Future-Proofing Population Health: Embrace Predictive Analytics, Social Determinants and Patient-Generated Data Now in Healthcare IT News
Early success stories in hospitals show how these emerging data types are fated to become critical to population health.
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20 Nov 2017: In The News
Why GE Won’t Sell its Health IT Business
As John Flannery, the new CEO of GE takes on the task of sweeping cost-cutting at the industrial behemoth, recent market speculation has suggested he may be looking to offload GE's Healthcare IT business. Here's why we think this won't happen.
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