Navigating Healthcare’s Labordemic Through Virtual Care: A Guide

Hamir Harbham headshot
Hamir Harbham
Published: June 4, 2024 In The News

29th May 2024, Contribution by Hamir Harbham – Featured on

Implementing virtual care can help healthcare providers optimize operations and provide higher quality care at a lower cost. By reducing the need for in-person consultations and on-site personnel, virtual care can make healthcare more accessible and efficient. Signify’s research on the high-acuity telehealth market highlights key areas such as tele-observation, tele-ICU, clinical surveillance, and encounter-based examinations.

To prepare for the shift towards virtual care, healthcare providers need to streamline operations and automate mundane tasks to free up personnel. Addressing burnout among front-line workers is crucial, and virtual care can offer flexibility in work schedules and help with job retention. Educating patients about virtual care is also important for successful implementation, as it can expand access to medical services and empower healthcare professionals.

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